UPDATE: 7/24/17, After Comodo received many claims, they decided to pause new updates. All Wildcard SSL still have protection of base domain and all single domain SSL secures both with/without WWW.

7/21/17. We would like to inform you that all Comodo single-domain SSL certificates activated for www.example.com are issued without free SAN example.com for now. Please activate your single-domain SSL certificates for domain.com in order to have free WWW SAN.

Changes to all Comodo Wildcard/GGSSL wildcard certificates. Now, base domain not protected, only *.domain.com + www.domain.com. domain.com without WWW not protected

Changes were done by Comodo without any pre-notifcation to anyone, which is very bad for all SSL market. Please note all existing issued SSL certs would works as usual until reissue.

Понедельник, Июль 24, 2017

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